edge/water/line vs. ridge/island/point
edge/water/line vs. ridge/island/point 모서리/물/선 vs. 등성이/섬/점, 2018, pigment print, tapes, plastic beads, dimension variable wall drawing at...
Woher kommt das? Where does it come from?
Woher kommt das? Where does it come from? 이것은 어디에서 오나?, 2017, Single channel video, color, 1:28 Woher kommt das?는 스톱모션 애니메이션 기법을 사용하여 만든...
from the expanding dot, through the drawn line, to the vanishing dot
from the expanding dot, through the drawn line, to the vanishing dot 확장하는 점에서 선을 그어 도달할 희미한 점, 2017, single channel video 2:25, mixed...
eyes 눈, 2015, wire, lenses, installation variable
a novel of euna bae
a novel of euna bae 배은아의 소설, mixed media, 2017 The 20-sided prism, SeMA NANJ exhibition hall, Seoul curated by jungmo kim 임의로 선택된 상대 작업에...
versus 9 - publication
image theme : edge/water/line vs. ridge/ island/point 모서리/물/선 vs. 등성이/섬/점 text theme : <As we may think> Jung Jidon 정지돈 <우리가 생각하는 대로>
2016 - 1916 sorok island
2016-1916 sorok island 2016-1916 소록도, 2016, photo documentary project
versus 8 - publication
image theme : surface vs. inner voice 겉 vs. 속 text theme : sacred vs. profane 성 vs.속
window, shadow, meadow
windowshadowmeadow 창 그림자 들판, 2015, mixed media, dimension variable 소록도 윌링 앤 딜링
versus 7 - publication
image theme: beat vs. melody text theme: verse vs. prose