highway geometry 2 - 2018 seoul photo festival
highway geometry 2 , 2015, 2 channel video, color, sound, loop 2018 seoul photo festival brave new world sema, buk-seoul museum of art...
waltz / 왈츠 , 2015, single channel video, installation, Astyanax mexicanus, blind cave fish, aquarium, projector camera & edit : sunmin...
6 minutes versus version1
6 minutes versus version 1 / 6분 대비, 2016, single channel video, 6;30 ongoing project.(2015,dec~2017.feb) video & edit : park sunmin viola...
highway geometry 2
highway geometry 2, 2 channel video, loop, 2015 고속도로 기하학2 에서는 시간과 공간의 중첩, 시간을 통제하고자 하는 박선민의 태도가 드러난다. 고속도로를 달리면서 찍은 화면은 계속 이어지는 차선과 가드레일...
Nearsighted Jungle
Nearsighted Jungle 근시정글, 2015, 4K single channel video, color, sound, 12'33'' Support by National Institute of Ecology, Arts Council...